Soft tops, medium-sized white bulbs, and a delicate dark pink outer coat… that’s what Arleux garlic looks like. After drying for a week, the hand-woven braids are assembled, and then put in the smokehouse for 8 to 10 days. A process that adds flavour and ensures the long shelf life!
Originally, braiding was practised to make it easier to hang the garlic during smoking and to simplify transport when the product was sold door-to-door. This method is still used today for the same reasons, but it is also a beautiful way to decorate kitchens!
A protected produce – an Appellation d’Origine Protegée (AOP) – Arleux smoked garlic now accounts for almost 10 per cent of French garlic production. Its unique taste, its delicate reddish-brown colour and its history explains why all fine gourmets seek out Arleux garlic!